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The Hamilton Stone Review
Current Issue: # 51, Fall 2024
The Hamilton Stone Review publishes twice a year, usually May and November. The submissions period for the May issue is usually April, and the submissions period for the November issue is usually the month of October. Check back here for precise dates. Submissions may close early without notice. For more information, click here.
About The Hamilton Stone Review
Submissions to The Hamilton Stone Review
Commentary on past issues of The Hamilton Stone Review.
Editors' biographical notes
current issue no. 51, fall 2024
Poetry:James Daniels, Richard Lyons, Tim Suermondt, George Kalamaras, John S. Eustis, Sharon Whitehill, Ronald Moran, Rick Adang, J.R. Solonche, Susan Shea, Ryan J. Davidson, Greg McBride, Barry Seiler, Josh Mahler, Stephen Gibson, Tony Beyer, Mary Dean Lee, Claire Scott, Moriah Hampton, Stan Sanvel Rubin
Prose: Mark Connelly, Cara Diaconoff,Sohana Manzoor, Eric Maroney, Carlos Ramet, Bob Rehm
issue no. 50, spring 2024
Bob Hicok Special Issue
Poetry: Michael Hettich; J.R. Solonche; Claire Scott; Karen Weyant; Tony Beyer; John S. Eustis; Phillip Sterling; Julia Wendell; Carol V. Davis; Ace Boggess; Stephen Gibson; Tim Suermondt; Dana Yost; Troy Schoultz; Craig Kirchner; John Savoie; Sandy Vrana; and Sally Zakariya.
Prose: Mary Ann Cain; Thomas Healy; Diane Lefer; Tim Millas; Niles Reddick; Timothy Reilly.
issue no. 49, fall 2023
Poetry: Robert Gibb; Tony Beyer: Erin Wilson; Lynn Gilbert; Rochelle Robinson-Dukes; Bruce McRae; Barry Seiler; John Repp; George Moore; J.R. Solonche; Mary Dean Lee; Jennifer Dotson; Stephen C. Middleton; Priscilla Atkins; Cordelia Hanemann; James Owens; Eugene Datta; Daniel Romo; V.P. Loggins; Leonore Hildebrandt; Joel Alleghetti; Rizwan Akhtar.
Prose: Stephen Combs; James Hartman; Eleanor Lerman; Pegah Ouji; Li Ruan; Daniel Ruefman.
issue no. 48, spring 2023
Poetry: Matt Hart, Donald Revell, Jeff Knorr, Jeff Gundy, Moriah Hampton, Claire Keyes, Lisa Bellamy, Stephen Mead, Michael Lauchlan, Howie Good, Barry Seiler, Michael Hettich, Stephen Gibson, Liana Kapelke-Dale, Claire Scott, Sharon Whitehill, Nancy Smiler, Tim Staley, J.R. Solonche, Phillip Sterling, Daniel A. Rabuzzi, Christopher Rubio-Goldsmith, Heikki Huotari, and Jane Simpson.
Prose: Brian Michael Barbeito, Brian J. Buchanan, Conor Hogan, Eleanor Lerman, and Connie Draving Malko.
issue no. 47, fall 2022
Poetry: Ralph Burns, Michael Hettich, Erin Wilson, Beckian Fritz Goldberg, Kelsey Phillis, aggie Kennedy, Claire Scott, L. Henry Farrell, Jen Karetnick, Richard Weaver, Kathleen Hellen, Barry Seiler, Toti O’Brien, Jeff Newberry, Cortney Davis, Jan Ball, Tony Beyer, Jo Angela Edwins, L. Annette Binder, J.R. Solonche, and Lynn Gilbert.
Prose: Ron F. Berisha, Mark Lewandowski, Zach Murphy, Mary Sanders Shartle, and Jake Zawlacki.
issue no. 46, spring 2022
Poetry: Janice Harrington, Patricia Behrens, Gabriella Brand, Merridawn Buckler, Ted Eisenberg, Liam Farrell, Cheryl J. Fish, Howie Good, Alamgir Hashmi, Michael Hettich, Tim Hunt, George Kalamaras, Greg McBride, Jan Mordenski, Toti O’Brien, Fred Pollack, Jessica Purdy, Keith Ratzlaff, Michael Sandler, Terry Savoie, Claire Scott, Reed Venrick, Demetrice Worley,
Dean Young, Sally Zakariya.Prose: Joshua Beggs. Tom Barlow, Lewis Beilman, Joseph Devon, Salvatore Difalco, Ian Goodale, S Stephanie.
issue no. 45, fall 2021
Poetry: Janice Harrington, John Guzlowski, Rochelle Robinson-Dukes, Steve Fay, Clint McCown, Sally Zakariya, Sarah McMahon, John Repp, Jane Simpson, Changming Yuan,
Tony Beyer, Nancy Smiler Levinson, Mark Young, Lisa Zimmerman, Glenn Armstrong,
J.D. Nelson, Heikki Huotari, Natalli Amato, Leonore Hildebrandt, Kelly O’Toole, Alison Thorpe, Tim Suermondt, Madronna Holden, Cheryl Denise, Stephen Gibson, Jay Jacoby, Benjamin Nash, Laurinda Lind, Ayşe Tekşen.Prose: Rosaleen Bertolino, Amy Cotler, Carole Rosenthal, Lynda Schor, Kelly Watt.
issue no. 44, spring 2021
Poetry: Carolyn Adams, Dan Alter, Tony Beyer, Sharon Black, Michael Carrino, R.T. Castleberry, Patrick R. Connelly, William Doreski, E.J. Evans, Howie Good, Nels Hanson, Katrina Hays, Leonore Hildebrandt, Joseph Kerschbaum, Michael Lauchlan, Rebecca Ledbetter, Harriet Levin Millan, Emmett Lewis, DS Maolalai, Gordon W. Mennenga, Daniel Edward Moore, Philip Newton, Roger Pfingston, Meggie Royer, Gerard Sarnat, Claire Scott, Barry Seiler, J.R. Solonche, Shelby Stephenson, Phillip Sterling, D. E. Steward, Tim Suermondt, Michael Walker, Erin Wilson, Marie Gray Wise, Pui Ying Wong, Mark Young.
Prose: Dan A. Cardoza, Kathie Giorgio, Lisa Lebduska, Harriet Levin Millan, Babak Movahed, Heather Whited.
issue no. 43, fall 2020:
Poetry: Tony Beyer, R. T. Castleberry, William Cordiero, Shannon Cuthbert, John Davis, Robert Fillman, Howie Good, Nels Hanson, Michael Hettich, Richard Jones, Tricia Knoll,Naomi Bess Leimsider, Tim Mayo, John Palen, Bruce Parker, Kenneth Pobo, Will Reger, John Repp, Stan Sanvel Rubin, Rikki Santer, Carla Sarett, Terry Savoie, Claudia Schatz, Claire Scott, Phillip Shabazz, Ben Sloan, David Spicer, D. E. Steward, Eleanor Swanson, Taunja Thomson, Bill Tremblay, Carol Tyx, Richard Weaver, Charles Wyatt, and Mark Young.
Prose: Austin Adams, Ron Dowl, Natthinee Khot-asa Jones & Hardy Jones, Eleanor Lerman, Nicanor Millan, J. Alan Nelson, Leah Sackett, Jeff M. Sellers, Diane Simmons.
issue no. 42, spring 2020:
Poetry: Carol Alexander,Tony Beyer, Charles Cantrell, David R. Cravens, Steven Deutsch, Brian Fanelli, Aaron Fischer, Kara Goughnour, Pat Hanahoe-Dosch, Nels Hanson, Marilyn Humbert, Alex MacConochie, Bruce McRae, Tom Montag, Mary K. O’Melveny, Simon Perchik, Claire Scott, Barry Seiler, David Spicer, Tim Suermondt, Reed Venrick, and Erin Wilson.
Prose: by Joe Giordano, Natascha Graham, E.J. Myers, Caroline Sutton, and Eleanor Levine.
issue 41, fall 2019:
Poetry by Lisa Bellamy, Tony Beyer, Tegan Blackwood, R.T. Castleberry,Joan Colby, Barbara Daniels, Mary Lucille DeBerry, William Doreski, Susan Firer, Philip Fried, David Galloway, Christien Gholson, Nels Hanson, Richard Jones, Dan Kelty, Claire Keyes, Susanna Lang, Charlene Langfur, Michael Lauchlan, Peter Leight, Paul Many, Toti O’Brien, Claire Scott, Hilary Sideris, Annette Sisson,Young Smith, J.R. Solonche, Michael Spring, D.E. Steward, Tim Suermondt, Rodney Torreson, Reagan Upshaw, Erin Wilson, Mike Wilson, Howard Winn, Mark Young.
Fiction by Rebecca Moody, William Orem, Kevin Baggett. Ryan Kelley. Esther Yin-Ling Spodek, Peter J. Stavros.
issue no. 40, spring 2019:
Invitation Only IssuePoetry: Jane Lazarre and Roger Mitchell (Featured Poet).
Fiction: Kelly Watt and Meredith Sue Willis.
issue no. 39, fall 2018:
All Poetry IssuePoetry: Tony Beyer, Ace Boggess, Changming Yuan, John Cullen, Keith Dunlap, E. J. Evans, Abigail George, Howie Good, Nels Hanson, Michael Hettich, Clara B. Jones, Jen Karetnick, Claire Keyes, Chancal Kumar, Terry McDermott, James Owens, Thomas Piekarski, Judith Roney, Stan Sanvel Rubin, Yvette Schnoeker-Shorb, Claire Scott, J. R. Solonche, David Spicer, D. E. Steward, Tim Suermondt, Anton Yakovlev, Mark Young, Donald Zirilli.
issue no. 38, spring 2018
Halvard Johnson Commemorative IssuePoetry and Prose: Halvard Johnson
Commentary, Criticism, and Selection of Pieces: Dick Allen, Charles Baxter, James Cervantes, Burt Kimmelman, Roger Mitchell, Carole Rosenthal, Joseph Somoza, and Lynda Schor.
issue no. 37, fall 2017
Poetry: Tony Beyer, Don Brandis, Kevin Casey, Patrick Connelly, Tesa Blue Flores, Jack Freeman, Christien Gholson, Stephen Gibson, J.M. Hall, stone hedra, Richard Jones,Michael Lauchlan, Irene Mitchell, Robert Okaji, Stan Sanvel Rubin, M.C. Rush, Claire Scott, Hilary Sideris, Ben Sloan, Lynn Strongin, John Stupp, Aden Thomas, Richard Weaver, Mark Young Prose: Nick Bertelson, Garrison Botts, Jonathan Ferrini, Moriah Hampton, Mike Koenig, Patricia Leonard, Sara Cahill Marrom, Eliza Segiet, Yermiyahu Ahron Taub.
issue no. 36, spring 2017
Poetry by Chris Abbate, Michael Aird, Bruce Alford, Lisa Bellamy, Tony Beyer, Ace Boggess, Carrie Bond, Michelle Brooks, Richard Cecil, Natalie Crick, Norita Dittberner-Jax, William Doreski, Abigail George, Howie Good, James Grabill, Nels Hanson, Michael Hettich, Alicia Hoffman, Clara B. Jones, Sandra Kolankiewicz, Kristin LaFollette, Allie Longn Kevin J.B. O’Connor, Al Ortolani, Roger Pfingston, Daniel Pravda, Zack Rogow, Terry Savoie, Barry Seiler, D.E. Steward, Lynn Strongin, Tim Suermondt, Ben Swimm, Pepper Trail, Lisa Zimmerman; Fiction by Ellen Conley, Troy Hill, Halvard Johnson, Lynda Schor, and Jane Stark; Nonfiction by Edward Myers.
issue no. 35, fall 2016
Poetry by Lana Bella, Robert Beveridge, Gareth Culshaw, Salvatore Difalco,Alejandro Escudé, Alice Friman, Louis Gallo, Howie Good, Gail Hanlon, Dave Harrity, Heikki Huotari, Clinton Inman, Clara B. Jones, Richard Jones, Megan Kellerman, Anna Ivey, Michael Lauchlan, Sean Lynch, W. P. Osborn, Simon Perchik, John Repp, Judith Skillman, J. R. Solonche, Andrew Spiess, D. E. Steward, Allison Thorpe, and Mark Young; Fiction by Andria Nacina Cole, Tim Fredrick, Gimbiya Kettering, and John Warren Lewis; Nonfiction by Ingrid Blaufarb Hughes, Jane Kinzler, Nechama Sammet Moring, CPM, MA, and Dolly Withrow.
issue no. 34, spring 2016
Poetry by Mary Carroll-Hackett, Darrell Epp, Roy Frisvold, Abiigail George, Allison Goldston, Joseph Harms, Halvard Johnson,Richard Jones, Jenna Kelly, Sandra Kolankiewicz, Stephanie Porven,Charles Rafferty,Emily Ransdell, Barry Seiler,Chumki Sharma, and Richard Spilman; Fiction by Nancy Barnes, Ruth Charney, Jan Clausen, >Beverly Gologorsky, Gary Schlesinger, and Josephine Wright.
issue no. 33, fall 2015
Poetry by William Aarnes, Ace Boggess, Doug Bolling, John Davis, Camillo DiMaria, Keith Dunlap, John Freeman, Howie Good, James Grabill, Nels Hanson, Tricia Knoll, Susanna Lang, Michael Lauchlin, Rita Maria Martinez, Larry Narron, Stan Sanvel Rubin, David Salner, Sanjeev Sethi, D. E. Steward, Millie Tullis, James Valvis, Laryssa Wirstiuk, and Mark Young; Fiction by Tyler Atkinson, Jane Lazarre, Anne Leigh Parrish, Adam “Bucho” Rodenberger, Fred Skolnik, Evelyn Walsh, and Iromie Weeramantry; Nonfiction by Jim Brega, Reamy Jansen, Johnathan Jones, Alice Lowe, Helen Park, and Kenny Yuan.
issue no. 32, spring 2015
Poetry by Billy Cancel, Darren C. Demaree, Howie Good, Nels Hanson, Nora Iuga, Seth Jani, Dan Lewis, Kevin McLellan, Kat Meads, Simon Perchik, Erin Redfern, Margaret A. Robinson, Terry Savoie, Elaine Sexton, D.E. Steward, Mark Young, and Lisa Zimmerman; Fiction by Peggy Backman, Dreama Wyant Frisk, Edward Miller, Caleb Okereke, Michael Price, Patty Somlo, Peter Speziale, and Scott Wheatley; Nonfiction by Liza Case, Chelsey Clammer, Reamy Jansen, Dean G. Loumbas, Gregg Orifici, and Steven Roiphe.
issue no. 31, fall 2014
Poetry by Roy Bentley, Doug Bolling, Rob Cook, Darren Demaree, William Ford, Nels Hanson, Tom Holmes, Ted Jean, Michael Lauchlan, Al Maginnes, Tom Montag, Marge Piercy, Kenneth Pobo, Stan Sanvel Rubin, David Salner, Barry Seiler, Yermiyahu Ahron Taub, Don Thompson, and Laryssa Wirstiuk; Fiction by Mitchell Krockmalnik Grabois, Richard Kostelanetz, Stacy Graber, Jana Wilson, and Alan Swyer; Nonfiction by Max Bakke, Mike Ekunno, Edward Myers, Diane Payne, Fred Skolnik, and Amber Wildes.
issue no. 30, spring 2014
Poetry by Gale Acuff, Kevin Carey, Michelle Disler, Doug Draime, Susan J. Erickson, Kate Falvey, William Ford, Benjamin Goluboff, Howie Good, Hannah Greenberg, Michael Hettich, Charlene Langfur, Catherine Morocco, Keith Moul, Frederick Pollack, Mary Ann Rockwell, Gerard Sarnat, and David Trame; Fiction by Ellen Alexander Conley, Arturo Desimone, Priscilla Jolly, Edith Konecky, and Jane Stark; and Nonfiction by Gretchen Clark, Bruce Colbert, Catherine Mauk, and Jay Hansford C. Vest.
issue no. 29, fall 2013
Poetry by Sarah Anderson, Nina Bennett, Roy Bentley, Ace Boggess, Doug Bolling, Craig Cotter, Mark DeCarteret, William Doreski, George Freek, Nels Hanson, Maureen Kingston, Tricia Knoll, Philip Kobylarz, Desmond Kon, David McAleavey, Bruce McRae, Karla Linn Merrifield, BZ Niditch, Holly Painter, Joyce Peseroff, Roger Pfingston, Brianna Pike, Tim Suermondt, Anne Whitehouse, Chelsea Whitton, and Leonore Wilson; Fiction by Rebecca Andem, Jack Dowling, Desirée Jung, Richard Kostelanetz, Robyn Ryle, Yong Takahashi, and John Duncan Talbird; and Nonfiction by David W. Ricker, Jerry Wemple, James Ferry, Terry Barr, and Jim Krosschell.
issue no. 28, spring 2013
Poetry by William L. Alton, Dennis Camire, Andrew Cox, William Ford, Anne Britting Oleson, Dave Seter, Judith Skillman, MK Sukach, Robert J. Tillett, and David Trame; Fiction by Steven Schrader, Jay Baruch, Penelope Mermall, and Ed Tato; Nonfiction by E.J. Myers and Reamy Jansen.
issue no. 27, fall 2012
Poetryby Alan Britt, Bill Brown, Keith Dunlap, Myron Ernst, Susan Firer, Howie Good, James Grabill, Jeff Gundy, Rachel N. Heller, Len Krisak, Casandra Lopez, Paul Nelson, Genevieve Payne, Simon Perchik, Ned Randle, Lois Roma-Deely, Elaine Sexton, Tim Suermondt, Lee Upton, and David Woodward; Fiction by Deborah Clearman, Valerie Fox and Arlene Ang, Mike Maggio, Charles Rammelkamp, Andreas Trolf, and Eva White.
issue no. 26, spring 2012
Poetry by John Allman, Gerard Beirne, Ruth Gooley, KJ Hannah Greenberg, Sarah Marshall, Tim Mayo, Mark J. Mitchell, Simon Perchik, Frederick Pollack, Aaron Poller, and Judith Skillman; Fiction by Ellen Alexander Conley, Jack Dowling, Joachim Frank, Nicholas Grider, Sue Mellins, Suzanne McConnell, Richard Peabody, Susan Robbins, and Jane Zingale.
issue no. 25, fall 2011
Poetry by John Abbott, Lakey Comess, Sharon Cramer, Larry O. Dean, Naomi Guttman, Yermiyahu Ahron Taub, Bruce McRae, Reagan Upshaw, and Anne Whitehouse; Fiction by Miryam Sivan, Gail Greiner, Wendy Shreve, Julia Kaminsky, and Miriam Kelly-Ferguson; and Nonfiction by Vivian Faith Prescott, Michael Hettich, Joan White, Pamela Floyd, and Reamy Jansen.
issue no. 24, summer 2011
Poetry by Laura Carter, Ken Champion,William Ford, Hugh Fox, Jeff Gundy,
Michael Hettich, Rich Ives, Anthony Nannetti, Philip Byron Oakes, Simon Perchik, and James Valvis; Fiction by Ken Champion, Kyle Hemmings, Robert James Russell, and Patty Somlo ; and Nonfiction by Jacqueline Doyle, Pamela Floyd, Don Iannucci, Reamy Jansen, Marc Kaminsky, George Lies, Liya Li, Oden Oak, Hannah Schor-Engel, and Randi Ward.
issue no. 23, winter 2011
Poetry by Ralph Burns, Hugh Fox, Matthew Haughton, Halvard Johnson, Renee Nelson, Tam Lin Neville, Keith Ratzlaff, Tom Sheehan, Judith Skillman, and Delia Tramontina; fiction by Curt Eriksen, Lori Horvitz, Anna Jaquiery, and Corey Mesler; Nonfiction by Neal Kreitzer, Liya Li, Oden Oak, Soo Na Pak, and Joan White.
issue no. 22, fall 2010
Poetry by Billy Cancel, Sherry Chandler, Wayne Dodd, Lara Dolphin, Howard Good, James Harms, Lyn Lifshin, Donal Mahoney, Simon Perchik, Roger Pfingston, Adam Sol, Don Stinson, Davide Trame, James Valvis; Fiction by Gerry Albarelli, J. Linn Allen, Roberta Allen, Edith Konecky, and Kathrin Perutz.
issue no. 21, summer 2010
Poetry by Carol Berg, Iain Britton, Jessie Carty, Ken Champion, W. Frank, Alice Friman, Peter Greico, Anne Haines, Reamy Jansen, A.F. Moritz, Linda Ravenswood, Kevin Stein; Nonfiction by Faye Rapoport DesPres, Linda M. Hasselstrom, Sue Ring deRosset, and Marianne Rogoff.
issue no. 20, spring 2010
Poetry by Matthew DeBord, Elizabeth Dodd, Steve Ely, Susan Firer, Jeff Gundy, James Hazard, Jane Hilberry, Christine Holland, George Kalamaras, Karen Kovacik, Mercedes Lawry, Alison Luterman, David Mason, Christine Rhein, Elaine Sexton, Sean Singer, Joe Somoza, Bert Stern, Richard Stolorow, Chase Twichell, Mark Young, and Harriet Zinnes; Fiction by Jack Dowling, Beverly Gologorsky, Sybil Kollar, Jocelyn Lieu, and Miguel Antonio Ortiz; Nonfiction by Sherisse Alvarez, CL Bledsoe, Clyde L. Borg, Chris Echaurre, Christina Holzhauser, Randall Horton, Ingrid Hughes, Jim McGarrah, and Meg Morley.
issue no. 19, fall 2009
Poetry by Nathan Leslie. Fiction by Jan Clausen, Dave Engeldrum, Jackie Ernst, Laurence Klavan, Angela Lang, Corey Mesler, Leora Skolkin-Smith, and Barry Spacks. Nonfiction by Kelle Groom, Rigoberto Gonzalez, James Richardson, and Damon Shaw.
issue no. 18, summer 2009
Poetry by CL Bledsoe, James Grabill, Libby Hart, Nicholas Karavatos, Kathleen Kenny, Sandy McIntosh, Rodney Nelson, and David Woodward. Fiction by Miriam N. Kotzin, Jen Micharski, Charles Rammelkamp, Grant Tracey, and Joyce Yarrow.
issue no. 17, winter 2009
Poetry by Alan Baker, Pēters Brūveris, Andrew Burke, Ashok Niyogi, Camille Martin, Dan Raphael, Karla Linn Merrifield, Dion Farquhar, Scott Hammer, Philip Byron Oakes. and Stephen Vincent. Fiction by Jay Baruch. Summer Block, James Cervantes, Dot DeLuitzo, Andrew J. Madigan, Michael Shannon, Diane Simmons, and Robert Wexelblatt.
issue no. 16, fall 2008: The West Virginia Issue
Poetry by Maggie Anderson, Debbie Benedetti, Laura Bentley. Mary Lucille DeBerry, Cheryl Denise, Victor Depta. Harry Gieg, Chris Green, Marc Harshman, Kirk Judd, P.J. Laska , Jeff Mann, John McKernan, Llewellyn McKernan, Phyllis Moore, Eddy Pendarvis, Sue Ann Simar, Barbara Smith , Anna Egan Smucker, Beth Staley, Sandy Vrana , Randi Ward, Sherrell Wigal; and prose by Dory AdamsBelinda Anderson, Colleen Anderson, Crystal Allene Cook, Lori D'Angelo, Denise Giardina, Patricia Hopper, Norman Julian, Deane Lindsey Kern, Chuck Kinder, Gretchen Moran Laskas, George Lies, Susan Maczko, Keith Maillard, Marie Manilla, Katherine Manley, Lee Maynard, Phyllis Moore, Ann Pancake, Cat Pleska, Carter Seaton, Kevin Stewart, M. Glenn Taylor, and Dolly Withrow.
issue no. 15, summer 2008
Fiction by J. C. Frampton, Luke Rolfes, Sharmila Mukherjee, Nora Costello, and Hallie Elizabeth Newton. Poetry by Chad Heltzel, Reamy Jansen, Allen Bramhall, Gabriele Quartero, Meg Pokrass, Sheila Murphy and Douglas Barbour, Joseph Somoza, Craig Cotter, Janet Butler, Robert E. Wood, Rick Marlatt, Simon Perchik, Ron Winkler
issue no. 14, winter 2008
Featuring selections from Hamilton Stone Edition's 2008 Book List by Rebecca Kavaler, Jane Lazarre, Eva Kollisch, and Rochelle Ratner; and poetry by Bobbi Lurie, CL Bledsoe, David Thornbrugh, Alex Cigale, Georgios Tsangaris, John M. Bennett, Burt Kimmelman, Jamie Cooper, Cheyenne Nimes, and Laurie Price.
issue no. 13, fall 2007
Fiction by Helen Duberstein, Anne Earney, Joan Newburger, and Niama Leslie Williams; and poetry by Stephen Baraban, Gary Beck, Hugh Fox, Skip Fox, James Grabill , Holly Iglesias, Roger Mitchell, Sheila E. Murphy, Gianina Opris, Suzanne Ryan, Gregory Vincent St. Tomasino, and Mark Weiss.
issue no. 12, summer 2007
Fiction by Mary Chang, Daniel Coshnear, Nelson Eshleman, Tom Fillion, Semia Harbawi, Remy Jansen, Robert Miltner, Chris Semansky; nonfiction by Judith Jenya; and poetry by John M. Bennett, Jenn Blair, CL Bledsoe, Mark DuCharme, Bob Marcacci, Ashok Niyogi, Philip Byron Oakes,Doug Ramspeck, Jessy Randall, Rochelle Ratner, Daniel M. Shapiro, Amanda Silbernagel, and Davide Trame.
issue no. 11, winter 2007
Fiction by Marilyn Coffey, Julie Compton, Harold Klapper, Sybil Kollar, and Suzanne McConnell; nonfiction by Jim Murphy; and poetry by Maxianne Berger, Andrew Burke, James Davies, Roger Day, Mary Rising Higgins, Rodney Nelson, Maurice Oliver, Simon Perchik, Elizabeth Kate Switaj, R. L. Swihart, Sally Van Doren, Jason Wilkinson, Michael Young, and Changming Yuan.
issue no. 10, fall 2006
Fiction by Stephanie Bachula, Ken Champion, Hugh Fox, Brian E. Langston, Denise Mann, and Wayne Scheer; and poetry by Crag Hill, Jan Clausen, Peter Munro, John M. Bennett, Sandy McIntosh, Roy Frisvold, Jéanpaul Ferro, Hugh Fox, Joel Solonche, Scott Keeney, and Glenn Bach.
issue no. 9, spring 2006
Fiction by D. L. Luke, Grant Tracey, Aaron Gilbreath, Charles Rammelkamp, and Mark MacNamara; nonfiction by Lori Horvitz and Tim Murphy; and poetry by Rodney Nelson, kari edwards, Sybil Kollar, Lanny Quarles, Michelle Greenblatt and Sheila E. Murphy, Jan Clausen, Jeanne Shannon, Alan Sondheim, Janet Jackson, Bob Marcacci, and Simon Perchik.
issue no. 8, winter 2006
Fiction by Thaddeus Rutkowski, Jason Rice, Darryl Halbrooks, and Raymond Federman, and poetry by Katherine Holmes, Mary Rising Higgins, Sam Pereira, Harry Nudel,Cortney Davis, Bruce Covey, Alan Sondheim, CL Bledsoe, Jon Leon, James Cervantes, and Richard Kostelanetz.
issue no. 7, fall 2005
Fiction by Sheila Kohler, Eva Kollisch, Kathrin Perutz, and Karen Satran; and poetry by Ioan Flora, Kenneth Wolman, L. N. Allen, Lynn Levin, Rodney Nelson, Maurice Oliver, Sarah Birl, Mark Young, and Maxianne Berger.\
issue no. 6, summer 2005
Fiction by Pat MacEnulty, Ramsey Wilkins, and Masha Zager , and poetry by Gene Frumkin, Amy King, Kenneth Pobo, Joseph Somoza, David Hopes, Stephen Vincent, Bob Marcacci, Harriet Zinnes, Kerry O'Keefe, Gregory Vincent St. Thomasino, Eileen Tabios, Frederick Pollack, and David Howard.
issue no. 5, winter 2005
Fiction by Sybil Kollar, Sue Mellins, Lance Olsen, and poetry by Deborah Poe, Alan Brilliant, Susan Donnelly, Paul Murphy, Catherine Daly, Tad Richards, Sybil Kollar, Todd Swift, mIEKAL aND, Roy Frisvold, Rochelle Ratner, Hugh Steinberg, William Sylvester, Tim Martin, Andrew Lundwall, Burt Kimmelman, James Cervantes, Skip Fox, Sheila E. Murphy, and César Vallejo (translated by Rebecca Seiferle)
issue no. 4, fall 2004 All Fiction Issue
Fiction by members of the Hamilton Stone Collective: Halvard Johnson, Rebecca Kavaler, Edith Konecky, Carole Rosenthal, Lynda Schor, and Meredith Sue Willis
issue no. 3, summer 2004 All Poetry Issue
Poems by Jordan Davis, Harriet Zinnes, Edward Field, Gene Frumkin, Zan Ross, Barry Alpert. Hugh Seidman, Alvin Greenberg, and Mary Rising Higgins.
issue no. 2, spring 2004
Poems by Jane Augustine, Michael Heller, Rebecca Kavaler, Sybil Kollar, Larry Goodell, Lewis LaCook, Roger Mitchell, Tom Raworth , Rochelle Ratner, and Joseph Somoza. Fiction by Jane Lazarre, Richard Perry, and Susan Robbins.
issue no. 1, fall 2003
Poems by James V. Cervantes, Wendy Battin, Dick Allen, and Gwyn McVay.
Fiction by Joan Newburger, Ellen Alexander Conley, and Shelley Ettinger.
About Us
The Hamilton Stone Review is part of a movement of small, independent publishers and publications dedicated to distributing high quality fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. We intend to encourage writers, whether unpublished or established, by bringing their work to readers by way of this online literary magazine.
The Hamilton Stone Review, an online literary magazine, publishes two issues a year, generally Spring and Fall. The reading period is usually April and October. Submissions close when the issue is filled.
Submissions guidelines vary. Read below for information. Submissions that don't follow the guidelines will be rejected without reading.
Hamilton Stone Review Fall 2024 Issue #51 Has Closed for Submissions.
When poetry submissions reopen, please send poetry by e-mail only to hsrpoetrykevin@gmail.com. The poetry editor says, "HSR welcomes an array of aesthetic approaches to the making of poems. HSR looks for poems that both sing and mean – however broadly the latter may be regarded – and poems that show appreciation for both private and public history as well as the interplay between the two realms."
When prose submissions reopen, please send fiction and other prose as an attachment to an e-mail only to hsrprosedeg@gmail.com. NO SNAIL MAIL SUBMISSIONS. Don't forget to put HSR in your subject line.
Hamilton Stone Editions, the book publisher, does NOT accept unsolicited manuscripts. Unsolicited manuscripts will be returned unread, if accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. Without an SASE, they will be recycled or destroyed.
Editors of Past Issues:
Poetry Editor Issue 1, Fall 2003: Halvard Johnson.
Fiction Editor Issue 1, Fall 2003: Meredith Sue Willis.
Poetry Editor Issue 2, Spring 2004: Halvard Johnson.
Fiction Editor Issue 2 Spring 2004: Carole Rosenthal.
Editor Issue 3, Summer 2004: Halvard Johnson.
Editors Issue 4, Fall 2004: Rebecca Kavaler & Edith Konecky
Poetry Editor Issue 5, Winter 2005: Halvard Johnson.
Fiction Editor Issue 5, Winter 2005: Carole Rosenthal
Poetry Editor Issue 6, Summer 2005: Halvard Johnson.
Fiction Editor Issue 6, Summer 2005: Lynda Schor
Poetry Editor Issue 7, Fall 2005: Halvard Johnson.
Fiction Editors Issue 7, Fall 2005: Rebecca Kavaler & Edith Konecky
Poetry Editor Issue 8, Winter 2006 : Halvard Johnson.
Fiction Editor Issue 8, Winter 2006: Lynda Schor
Poetry Editor Issue 9, Spring 2006: Halvard Johnson.
Fiction Editor Issue 9, Spring 2006: Nathan Leslie
Non-fiction Editor Issue 9, Spring 2006: Lynda Schor
Poetry Editor Issue 10, Fall 2006: Halvard Johnson.
Fiction Editor Issue 10, Fall 2006: Meredith Sue Willis
Poetry Editor Issue 11, Winter 2007: Halvard Johnson.
Fiction Editor Issue 11, Winter 2007: Carole Rosenthal
Nonfiction Editor Issue 11, Winter 2007: Lynda Schor
Poetry Editor Issue 12, Summer 2007: Halvard Johnson.
Fiction Editor Issue 12, Summer 2007: Lynda Schor
Nonfiction Editor Issue 12, Summer 2007: Lynda Schor
Poetry Editor Issue 13, Fall 2007: Halvard Johnson.
Fiction Editor Issue 13, Fall 2007: Edith Konecky
Poetry Editor Issue 14, Winter 2008: Halvard Johnson.
Fiction Editor Issue 14, Winter 2008: Meredith Sue Willis
Poetry Editor Issue 15, Summer 2008: Halvard Johnson.
Fiction Editor Issue 15, Summer 2008: Lynda Schor
Editor Issue 16, Fall 2008--The West Virginia Issue: Meredith Sue Willis
Poetry Editor Issue 17, Winter 2009: Halvard Johnson.
Fiction Editor Issue 17, Winter 2009: Lynda Schor
Poetry Editor Issue 18, Summer 2009: Halvard Johnson.
Fiction Editor Issue 18, Summer 2009: Nathan Leslie.
Fiction Editor Issue 19, Fall 2009: Lynda Schor.
Nonfiction Editor Issue 19, Fall 2009: Reamy Jansen.
Poetry Editor Issue 20, spring 2010: Roger Mitchell.
Fiction Editor Issue 20, spring 2010: Lynda Schor.
Nonfiction Editor Issue 20, spring 2010: Reamy Jansen.
Poetry Editor Issue 21, Summer 2010: Roger Mitchell.
Nonfiction Editor Issue 21, Summer 2010: Reamy Jansen.
Poetry Editor Issue 22, Fall 2010: Roger Mitchell.
Fiction Editor Issue 22, Fall 2010: Edith Konecky.
Poetry Editor Issue 23, Winter 2011: Roger Mitchell.
Fiction Editor Issue 23, Winter 2011: Lynda Schor.
Nonfiction Editor Issue 23, Winter 2011: Reamy Jansen.
Poetry Editor Issue 24, Summer 2011: Roger Mitchell.
Fiction Editor Issue 24, Summer 2011: Meredith Sue Willis.
Nonfiction Editor Issue 24, Summer 2011: Reamy Jansen.
Poetry Editor Issue 25, Fall 2011: Roger Mitchell.
Fiction Editor Issue 25, Fall 2011: Harriet Rzetelny.
Nonfiction Editor Issue 25, Fall 2011: Reamy Jansen.
Poetry Editor Issue 26, Winter 2012: Roger Mitchell
Fiction Editor Issue 26, Winter 2012: Carole Rosenthal
Poetry Editor Issue 27, Fall 2012: Roger Mitchell
Fiction Editor Issue 27, Fall 2012: Nathan Leslie
Poetry Editor Issue 28, Spring 2013: Roger Mitchell.
Fiction Editor Issue 28, Spring 2013: Miguel A. Ortiz.
Nonfiction Editor Issue 28, Spring 2013: Reamy Jansen
Poetry Editor Issue 29, Fall 2013: Roger Mitchell.
Fiction Editor Issue 29, Fall 2013: Lynda Schor.
Nonfiction Editor Issue 29, Fall 2013: Reamy Jansen
Poetry Editor Issue 30, spring 2014: Roger Mitchell.
Fiction Editor Issue 30, spring 2014: Carole Rosenthal.
Nonfiction Editor Issue 30, spring 2014: Reamy Jansen.
Poetry Editor Issue 31, Fall 2014: Roger Mitchell.
Fiction Editor Issue 31, Fall 2014: Nathan Leslie.
Nonfiction Editor Issue 31, Fall 2014: Reamy Jansen.
Poetry Editor Issue 32, Spring 2015: Roger Mitchell.
Fiction Editor Issue 32, Spring 2015: Meredith Sue Willis.
Nonfiction Editor Issue 32, Spring 2015: Reamy Jansen.
Poetry Editor Issue 33, Fall 2015: Roger Mitchell
Fiction Editor Issue 33, Fall 2015: Meredith Sue Willis
Nonfiction Editor Issue 33, Fall 2015: Reamy Jansen
Poetry Editor Issue 34, Spring 2016: Roger Mitchell
Fiction Editor Issue 34, Spring 2016: Jane Lazarre
Poetry Editor Issue 35, Fall 2016: Roger Mitchell
Fiction Editor Issue 35, Fall 2016: Shelley Ettinger
Nonfiction Editor Issue 35, Fall 2016: Meredith Sue Willis
Poetry Editor Issue 36, Spring 2017: Roger Mitchell
Fiction Editor Issue 36, Spring 2017: Carole Rosenthal
Nonfiction Editor Issue 36, Spring 2017: Meredith Sue Willis
Poetry Editor Issue 37, Fall 2017: Roger Mitchell
Prose Editor Issue 37, Fall 2017: Miguel Ortiz
Editor, Issue 38, Spring 2018, Halvard Johnson Issue: Roger Mitchell
Editor, Issue 39, Fall 2018: Roger Mitchell
Editor, Issue 40, Spring 2019: Meresdith Sue Willis
Poetry Editor Issue 41, Fall 2019: Roger Mitchell
Prose Editor Issue 41, Fall 2019: Dorian Gossy
Poetry Editor Issue 42, Spring 2020: Roger Mitchell
Prose Editor Issue 42, Spring 2020: Dorian Gossy
Poetry Editor Issue 43, Fall 2020: Roger Mitchell
Prose Editor Issue 43, Fall 2020: Dorian Gossy
Poetry Editor Issue 44, Spring 2021: Roger Mitchell
Prose Editor Issue 44, Spring 2021: Dorian Gossy
Poetry Editor Issue 45, Fall 2021: Kevin Stein
Prose Editor Issue 45, Fall 2021: Lynda Schor
Poetry Editor Issue 46, Spring 2022: Kevin Stein
Prose Editor Issue 46, Spring 2022: Dorian Gossy
Poetry Editor Issue 47, Fall 2022: Kevin Stein
Prose Editor Issue 47, Fall 2022: Dorian Gossy
Poetry Editor Issue 48, Spring 2023: Kevin Stein
Prose Editor Issue 48 Spring 2023: Dorian Gossy
Poetry Editor Issue 49, Fall 2023: Kevin Stein
Prose Editor Issue 49 Fall 2023: Dorian Gossy
Poetry Editor Issue 50, Spring 2024: Kevin Stein
Prose Editor Issue 50 Spring 2024: Dorian Gossy
Poetry Editor Issue 51, Fall 2024: Kevin Stein
Prose Editor Issue 51 Fall 2024: Dorian Gossy
Editorial Staff Biographical Notes:
Shelley Ettinger's Vera's Will was published by Hamilton Stone Editions in 2015. Her short fiction and poetry have been in literary journals including Mississippi Review, Nimrod, Cream City Review, Stone Canoe and Mizna. She has been awarded residencies at the Saltonstall Foundation Arts Colony, Anderson Center for Interdisciplinary Studies and Norcroft Writing Retreat for Women, and a grant from the Money for Women/Barbara Deming Memorial Foundation. In 2016 Shelley was a featured author at the Our Lady of the Lake University Literary Festival, the OutWrite LGBT Book Festival, and the inaugural Queens Book Festival. She is a Lambda Literary Foundation Fellow.
Dorian Gossy is the author of the short-story collection Household Lies, published by Winnow Press, which awarded her its First Book Award in Fiction. Her short fiction & an essay have appeared in the following magazines: North American Review, The Sun, Seattle Review, Other Voices, Beloit Fiction Journal, Daedalus, Willow Springs, among others. She has taught creative writing in university settings, elementary school, & in federal prisons. She lives in the Adirondack Mountains of New York, & she has an article about fostering monarch butterflies forthcoming in Adirondack Life magazine. She is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker & is presently teaching an introductory psychology course at North Country Community College in Ticonderoga, New York.
Reamy Jansen's linked essays on fathers and sons, generations and mortality, Available Light: Recollections and Reflections of a Son, was published byHamilton Stone Editions. His work—essays, poems, fiction—has appeared in a variety of publications, such as Gargoyle, Alimentum (www.ninetymeetsinninetydays.com) Fugue, The Bloomsbury Review, LIT, Innisfree Poetry Journal and 32 Poems-Vol. 6, No. 1(www.32poems.com/issues), among others, and are reprinted in www.enskyment.org and www.ninetymeetingsinninetydays.com. His works in Hamilton Stone Review are in issues 12, 15, and 21. Jansen is also a long-time Contributing Editor to The Bloomsbury Review of Books and is the creator of it short essay section, “Out of Bounds.” He is also a founding Board member of Radical Teacher, along with Paul Lauter, Richard Ohmann, Louis Kampf, having co-edited the issue on privatization with Dick Ohmann. He has blogged for Radical Teacher as well, and was an editor for University Review where he interviewed Norman Mailer and later Jerzy Kosinski. Other interviews have included Li-Young Lee (collected in Breaking the Alabaster Jar, Conversations with Li-Young Lee, BOA, 2009) as well as D. Nurkse, Cornelius Eady, Michael Cunningham and David Means. He was vice president of the National Book Critics Circle for 6 years.
Halvard Johnson, the poetry editor of The Hamilton Stone Review for its first 18 issues, was born in Newburgh, New York, and grew up in New York City and the Hudson Valley. He died in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, in 2017. His poetry and fiction appeared in Puerto del Sol, Wisconsin Review, Mudfish, Poetry: New York, For Poetry, CrossConnect, Salt River Review, Blue Moon Review, Crania, Gulf Stream, The Florida Review and Synaesthetic. He lived and worked in Chicago, Illinois; El Paso, Texas; Cayey, Puerto Rico; Washington, D.C.; Baltimore, Maryland, and New York City, as well as in San Miguel de Allende. For many years he taught overseas in the European and Far East divisions of the University of Maryland.
Edith Konecky is the author of Allegra Maud Goldman, in print for most of the years since its 1976 publication; A Place at the Table, Past Sorrows & Coming Attractions, and View from the North.
Jane Lazarre’s most recent book is the memoir, The Communist and The Communist’s Daughter (2016). Other works include memoirs, The Mother Knot; (a Spanish language edition by Las Afueras: El Nudo Materno, 2018;) On Loving Men; Beyond the Whiteness of Whiteness: Memoir of a White Mother of Black Sons (twentieth anniversary edition from Duke U. Press in 2016;) Wet Earth and Dreams: A Narrative of Grief and Recovery. Her novels include: Inheritance; The Powers of Charlotte; Worlds Beyond My Control, recently reissued by Hamilton Stone Editions. Essays recently published on line: Motherhood as Activism (Public Seminar), Once White in America (TomDispatch.com and widely re-posted on various sites); Where Do They Keep the White People” (TruthOut, and The Room). Lazarre’s stories and essays have been widely published and anthologized. She has taught creative writing and literature at the City College of New York, Yale University and Eugene Lang College at the New School, where she created and directed the undergraduate writing program and served on the fulltime faculty for twenty years. She serves on the Board of Directors of Brotherhood-SisterSol, (www.Brotherhood-Sistersol.org) an organization in Harlem serving children and youth, and teaches writing privately. She is completing a manuscript of poems and a collection of essays. Please go to www.janelazarre.com for more complete bio and history.
Nathan Leslie is the author of six books of short fiction, one book of poetry and editor of two anthologies. He is the fiction editor for Pedestal Magazine and was the series editor for Best of the Web. He lives in Northern Virginia, and teaches at Northern Virginia Community College.
Roger Mitchell is the author of twelve books of poetry and a book of non-fiction for the latter of which he was made an Honorary Citizen of the Town of Newcomb, Essex County, New York. He also won the Class B Gold Medal in Downhill at the 1949 Lake Placid Winter Carnival. Between and among these accomplishments, he has identified almost every kind of bird that passes through or resides in Monroe County, Indiana, where he also professed English for 24 years. He has also stood at the top of Mount Snowdon in Wales, the tallest mountain in the British Isles. It was in the Fall, a fine day, and the temperature was brisk. He has walked down into an extinct volcano. he has eaten squid, and he can still recite his U.S. Army serial number. From memory.
Miguel Antonio Ortiz is the author to King of Swords, a historical novel set during the Spanish-American War in Puerto Rico; and The Cisco Kid In The Bronx, an episodic novel about coming of age in New York City. He was an editor of Hanging Loose magazine and publications director at Teachers & Writers Collaborative. He worked for Chase, Merrill Lynch and TIAA-CREF as a computer analyst and programmer. Currently he lives and writes in Brooklyn.
Carole Rosenthal is the author of It Doesn't Have To Be Me, a collection of short stories. Her fiction appears in a wide variety of periodicals, ranging from literary magazines like Transatlantic Review, Confrontation, Other Voices, and The Cream City Review, to Mother Jones, and Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine. Her frequently anthologized short stories have been dramatized for radio and television, translated into eleven languages, and her articles and reviews published in newspapers and with presses including Dell, Arbor House, and the Modern Language Association. She is an Emeritus Professor at Pratt Institute, in Brooklyn. She lives part-time in New York City and part-time in the Catskills.
Harriet Rzetelny is a writer, singer and clinical social worker. She began her writing career as a humorous feature writer for The Village Voice, and The Soho Weekly News. Since then she has published mystery fiction in Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine and has been nominated for several awards, including a Derringer Award for her 2003 story, Amazing Grace. Her most current non-mystery short fiction has been published in the Bellevue Literary Review, a journal of humanity and human experience, and has recently been anthologized in The Best of the Bellevue Literary Review. Harriet’s novel, Graveyard Blues, was published in 2010 by Hamilton Stone Editions.
Lynda Schor has had 5 collections of short fiction published, the latest, Sexual Harassment Rules was recently published by Spuyten Duyvil Press. Her stories and articles have been in many magazines and literary journals, including Mademoiselle, Ms and GQ, Gargoyle, The Brooklyn Rail, and others. Her new noir literary thriller, DEARTH, has recently been published by New Meridian Arts Press. She was awarded residencies at Blue Mountain Center, The MacDowell Colony, Virginia Center for the Arts, and others. She was Writer In Residence at a number of colleges and universities, and taught fiction and creative nonfiction at The New School for 26 years. She now lives, writes and paints in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.
Kevin Stein has published eleven books of poetry, scholarship, and anthology. Among these are American Ghost Roses (U of Illinois Press), winner of the Society of Midland Authors Poetry Prize, A Circus of Want which was awarded the Devins Award, and the essays Poetry’s Afterlife: Verse in the Digital Age (U of Michigan Press). His first book James Wright: The Poetry of a Grown Man (Ohio U Press) offered the initial discussion of Wright’s unpublished manuscript Amenities of Stone.
Succeeding the late Gwendolyn Brooks, he served as Illinois Poet Laureate from 2003-2017 and later retired from Bradley University as Distinguished Professor and Caterpillar Professor of English, Emeritus. An avid hiker, skier, and cyclist, he spends winter and fall in the High Country surrounding Breckenridge, Colorado. During the pandemic, he refinished 16 chairs, five tables, and a cherry dresser, not to mention remodeling the laundry room. In earlier years, he coached youth softball, basketball, and travel baseball as well as supported his son and daughter on the summer circuit of soccer tournaments and Arabian horse shows.
Meredith Sue Willis is the author of 24 books from publishers as varied as Charles Scribner's Sons, Ohio University Press, Montemayor Press, West Virginia University Press, HarperCollins, Mountain State Press, Mercury House, and Hamilton Stone Editions. Of her first collection of short stories, The New York Times Book Review said: "Ms. Willis...provides a[n]...important lesson on the nature and function of literature itself." See her website at http://www.meredithsuewillis.com.
Commentary on the Hamilton Stone Review
From the West Virginia Writers, Inc. Newsletter:
The Hamilton Stone Review is part of a movement of small, independent publishers dedicated to distributing high quality fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. Their intent is to encourage writers, whether unpublished or established, by bringing their work to readers by way of this online literary magazine. For the latest issue, those of better judgment at this widely respected literary magazine have handed the reigns to author, teacher, and West Virginia expatriate, Meredith Sue Willis. She has gathered some of the best of the best of the mountain state to create 'The West Virginia Issue' [Number 16, Fall 2008]. Don't hesitate to download this to your computer, sit back, and enjoy the fruits of the children of these hills' labor. Enjoy! . . . and thank you Meredith Sue Willis!
James Cervantes in response to the West Virginia Issue (#16) sent a link to his poem set in the state.
Congratulations on the latest edition. It looks and reads wonderfully. The photography is truly beautiful and enhances the feel of the writing.
-- Carter Seaton
I love what you and other editors are building on the web in The Hamilton Stone Review -- range, depth, writing that takes chances, makes changes... I can't ask for more as reader and writer.
-- Crag Hill, Moscow, Idaho
Eva Kollisch's "Stealing" [HSR Issue # 7, Fall 2005] is a deeply penetrating story....The imaginary dialogue between the old lady, Lisa, and her school-age alter ego, Fev, spanning so many years of single life, gives a tender poignancy to the story. It's a feeling similar to what I felt towards the end of Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse. -- Lawrence Israel
"In the midst of all the world-madness Hamilton Stone Review is a mountain of sanity.
--Hugh Fox
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