Issue # 22 Fall 2010

Virgens de Guadalupe by Lynda Schor
Fall 2010 (Issue No. 22)
Table of Contents
Contributors' Notes
Gerry Albarelli is the author of Teacha! Stories from a Yeshiva (Glad Day Books, 2001), which chronicles his experience teaching English as a Second Language to Yiddish-speaking Hasidic boys at a yeshiva in Brooklyn. His stories, essays and poems have been published in The Penguin Book of Gay Short Stories, Fairleigh Dickinson Review, Lumina, ItalianAmericana, Penn America Review and The Breast: An Anthology. He is on the faculties of Sarah Lawrence College and Columbia University. He has also worked for many years as an oral historian..
J. Linn Allen teaches writing and journalism at the University of Illinois at Chicago and is a former reporter at the Chicago Tribune, for which he still writes occasional opinion pieces. He's had fiction published in the online magazine, Sweaterbrain and accepted for future publication in Green Silk Journal, also online.
Roberta Allen's eight books include the short short collections, Certain People (Coffee House) and The Traveling Woman (Vehicle Editions), both praised by the New York Times Book Review. Her novel The Dreaming Girl will be republished in 2011. Recently, she has finished a memoir and a short short collection. Her writing guides include The Playful Way to Serious Writing (Houghton Mifflin). She was on the faculty of The New School for many years. She teaches private workshops. A visual artist as well, her work is in the collection of The Metropolitan Museum. See her web site at http://www.robertaallen.com.
Billy Cancel is a Charleston based poet/performer. He has been widely published in both the US (including Lungfull! Fact-Simile, 6x6, 580 Split, Indefinite Space) as well as publications in the UK, Canada & Australia. Billy performs in the poetry/noise band Farms & self-publishes through Hidden House Press http://www.hiddenhousepress.com/ His first collection The Autobiography Of Shrewd Phil was published by Blue & Yellow Dog Press in September 2010.
Sherry Chandler’s award-winning poetry has appeared in many print and online magazines and anthologies, most recently in Kestrel, Louisville Review and Soundzine. She is the author of Dance the Black-Eyed Girl (Finishing Line) and My Will and Testament Is on the Desk (FootHills Publishing). She has received financial support from the Kentucky Arts Council and the Kentucky Foundation for Women.
Wayne Dodd is the author of 12 books (poetry, fiction, and nonfiction). His work has been honored by nominations for various literary prizes, including The Pulitzer Prize and The National Book Award. His most recent book of poems, IS, received the Isabella Gardner Poetry Award.
Lara Dolphin is a freelance writer. Her work has appeared in such publications as Word Catalyst Magazine, River Poets Journal, The Foliate Oak Literary Journal and Calliope.
Howie Good is the author of a full-length poetry collection, Lovesick, and 21 print and digital poetry chapbooks. With Dale Wisely, he is the co-founder of White Knuckle Press, http://www.whiteknucklepress.com .
James Harms is the author of eight books of poetry including the forthcoming What
to Borrow, What to Steal (Marick Press, 2011) and Comet Scar (Carnegie Mellon
University Press, 2012). He has is the recipient of an NEA Fellowship, the PEN/
Revson Fellowship and three Pushcart Prizes, among other distinctions. A Professor of English at West Virginia University, he also directs the low-residency MFA
Program in Poetry at New England College
Edith Konecky is the author of Allegra Maude Goldman, a Place at the Table, View to the North, and her collected short stories Past Sorrows and Coming Attractions, all still in print
Lyn Lifshin's recent books are: The Licorice Daughter: My Year With Ruffian,, Texas Review Press, Another Woman Who Looks Like Me from Black Sparrow at Godine, following Cold Comfort, and Before It's Light, Desire and 92 Rapple. She has over 120 books & edited 4 anthologies. Also out recently: Nutley Pond, Persephone, Barbaro: Beyond Brokeness, Lost in the Fog, Light at the End, Jesus Poems, and Ballet Madonnas, Katrina, Lost Horses, Chiffon, and Ballroom. And coming
soon: All the Poets Who Have Touched Me, Living and Dead. All True: Especially the Lies. Her web site is www.lynlifshin.com .
Donal Mahoney has worked as an editor for The Chicago Sun-Times, Loyola University Press and Washington University in St. Louis. One of many Pushcart Prize nominees, he has had poems published in The Wisconsin Review, The Kansas Quarterly, The South Carolina Review, The Beloit Poetry Journal, Commonweal, Public Republic (Bulgaria), Revival (Ireland), The Istanbul Literary Review (Turkey), Minus 9 Squared (Ireland), Pirene's Fountain (Australia) and other publications.
Simon Perchik is an attorney whose poems have appeared in Partisan
Review, The New Yorker and elsewhere. For more information, including
his essay “Magic, Illusion and Other Realities” and a complete
bibliography, please visit his website at www.simonperchik.com.
Kathrin Perutz is the author of more than a dozen books of fiction and non-fiction. She lives in NYC.
Roger Pfingston has poems in recent issues of Sin Fronteras, Lumina, Tipton Poetry
Journal, Naugatuck River Review, and Innisfree Poetry Journal. New work is scheduled
to appear in Valparaiso Poetry Review and Still Crazy. He has two chapbooks available:Singing to the Garden from Parallel Press and Earthbound from Pudding House
Publications. As a photographer, he has work in the summer issues of New Letters and Limestone.
Adam Sol is the author of three books of poetry, including Jeremiah, Ohio, a
novel in poems which was shortlisted for Ontario¹s Trillium Award for Poetry;
and Crowd of Sounds, which won the award. He has also published essays and
reviews for The Globe and Mail, The Forward, Critique and Bookninja.com. He
teaches at Laurentian University¹s campus in Barrie, Ontario, and lives in
Toronto with his wife and three sons.
Don Stinson's poems have appeared over the last 20 years in little magazines such as Southwestern American Literature, Verve, Briar Cliff Review, and Loonfeather, among others. He studied writing with Mark Cox and Lisa Lewis at Oklahoma State University, where he received a Ph.D. in Poetics and Contemporary Literature. He currently teaches writing, literature, and humanities at Northern Oklahoma College.
David Trame is an Italian teacher of English. He has been writing exclusively in English since 1993. His poetry collection Re-emerging was published by www.gattopublishing.com in 2006.
James Valvis lives in Issaquah, Washington. His poems or stories have appeared in 5 AM, Confrontation, Eclectica, Glint, Pearl, Rattle, Red Fez, Slipstream, and are forthcoming in Arts & Letters, Atlanta Review, Bananafish, Blip, Crab Creek Review, Gargoyle, Hanging Loose, Los Angeles Review, Midwest Quarterly, Nimrod, Pank, South Carolina Review, and elsewhere. A collection of his poems is forthcoming from Aortic Books.