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Poetry Table of Contents
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Contributors' Notes
Latest Books from Hamilton Stone Editions

Homeward Bound by Howard Waskow; Sleepwalker's Songs by James Cervantes; The Cisco Kid in the Bronx by Miguel A. Ortiz;
Fiction and the Facts of Life by Edith Konecky; Inheritance by Jane Lazarre;
and Re-Visions by Meredith Sue Willis
William L. Alton
Sudden Thunderstorms
Talk About Love
Dennis Camire
The Dry Stone Waller Revisits Spring's Surfacing Fieldstones
The Dry Stone Waller on the Major League Baseball Player Who, During his First Season Left the Big Leagues to Return to Walling
Andrew Cox
I Will Not Praise That Purpose Not to Sell
To Hear With Eyes Belongs To Love's Fine WitThat Every Tongue Says Beauty Should Look So
William Ford
A Cancer
Anne Britting Oleson
Dave Seter
Ticket to Heaven
Judith Skillman
Eating Tongue
Like Little Mouths Drinking From
MK Sukach
Robert J. Tillett
Faust Motel
David Trame
The Teapot
The Naked Present
FictionSteven Schrader
Dog Tags
Jay Baruch
Open Ended
What's Left Out
Penelope Mermall
The Wolf Man
Ed Tato
Just the Thing
This Thing of Ours
As Time Goes By
E.J. Myers
Night Fliers
Reamy Jansen
Contributors' NotesWilliam L. Alton started writing in the Eighties while incarcerated in a psychiatric prison. Since then his work has appeared in Main Channel Voices, World Audience and Breadcrumb Scabs among others. In 2010, he was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. He has published one book titled Heroes of Silence. He earned both his BA and MFA in Creative Writing from Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon where he continues to live. You can find him at williamlalton.com.
Jay Baruch’s short story collection Fourteen Stories: Doctors, Patients, and Other Strangers (Kent State University Press, 2007) was Honorable Mention in ForeWord Magazine’s 2007 Book of the Year Awards in the short stories category. His fiction has appeared in Eclectica, Other Voices, Bryant Literary Review, Hamilton Stone Review, Salt River Review, Another Toronto Quarterly, Inkwell, Segue, Ars Medica, Tattoo Highway and others. He lives in Rhode Island, where he practices emergency medicine and teaches medical humanities and medical ethics. His website is at www.jaybaruch.com.
Currently a bartender and the executive director of The Portland Poet Laureate Project, Dennis Camire's recent poems have appeared in Poetry East Magazine and Spoon River Poetry Review. He lives and writes in Maine and has an M.F.A. from Wichita State University where he was blessed to study with Albert Goldbarth. His full-length manuscript, "Combed by Crows," is finally completed and ready to fly!
Andrew Cox is the author of THE EQUATION THAT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING, (BlazeVOX [Books] 2010), the chapbook, FORTUNE COOKIES (2RIVER VIEW, 2009) and the hypertext chapbook, COMPANY X (Word Virtual). He lives in University City, MO, the Brooklyn of St. Louis, where he edits UCity Review (www.ucityreview.com)
William Ford recently has had work in Brilliant Corners, Nashville Review, Prairie Schooner, Southern Humanities Review, and Valparaiso Poetry Review. His two chapbooks, "Allen & Ellen" and "Descending with Miles" appeared from Pudding House in 2010. He lives in Iowa City, Iowa.
Reamy Jansen is the Nonfiction Editor of Hamilton Stone Review. In April of 2010, Hamilton Stone Editions published Available Light, Recollections and Reflections of a Son, a set of linked essays on fathers and sons, generations and mortality. Jansen’s work—essays, poems, fiction—has appeared in a variety of publications, such as Gargoyle, Alimentum (www.ninetymeetsinninetydays.com) Fugue, The Bloomsbury Review, LIT, Innisfree Poetry Journal and 32 Poems-Vol. 6, No. 1(www.32poems.com/issues), among others, and are reprinted in www.enskyment.org and www.ninetymeetingsinninetydays.com. His works in Hamilton Stone Review are in issues 12, 15, and 21. Jansen is also a long-time Contributing Editor to The Bloomsbury Review of Books and is the creator of it short essay section, “Out of Bounds.” He is also a founding Board member of Radical Teacher, along with Paul Lauter, Richard Ohmann, Louis Kampf, having co-edited the issue on privatization with Dick Ohmann. He has blogged for Radical Teacher as well, and was an editor for University Review where he interviewed Norman Mailer and later Jerzy Kosinski. Other interviews have included Li-Young Lee (collected in Breaking the Alabaster Jar, Conversations with Li-Young Lee, BOA, 2009) as well as D. Nurkse, Cornelius Eady, Michael Cunningham and David Means. He was vice president of the National Book Critics Circle for 6 years.
Penelope Mermall lives in NYC and works in a small public high school in Hell's Kitchen. She has a graduate degree in social work from New York University. Penelope's work has appeared in Bartleby Snopes, Offcourse Literary Journal, Spinozablue Journal of the Arts, and Sex and Murder. She was a winning entry in Glimmer Train's Best Start contest in 2009. Penelope is so pleased that her story "The Wolf Man" found a home in The Hamilton Stone Review.
Born in Denver, E. J. Myers grew up in Colorado, Mexico, and Peru. His work history includes employment as a bricklayer, EMT, cabinetmaker, and editor. He has published three novels, two works of nonfiction, and thirteen children’s books. In addition, Myers has co-written or ghostwritten fifteen books, mostly in the areas psychology, health, and business. He lives in rural Vermont.
Anne Britting Oleson has been published widely in the US, UK and Canada. She earned her MFA at the Stonecoast program of USM. She has published two chapbooks, The Church of St. Materiana (2007) and The Beauty of It (2010). Another book, Counting the Days, is scheduled for release next year.
Steven Schrader is the author of five books of stories. His most recent one is THREADS (Hanging Loose Press). He is the co-chair of Teachers & Writers Collaborative and lives in New York City.
Dave Seter’s poetry has appeared in various publications and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Born in Chicago, he has lived on both coasts, and currently resides in Sonoma County, California. His chapbook Night Duty was published in 2010 by Main Street Rag Publishing Company.
Judith Skillman’s latest collection, “The Phoenix, New and Selected Poems 2007–2013” is forthcoming from Dream Horse Press. She’s the recipient of awards from Academy of American Poets, Washington State Arts Commission, and other organizations. Two of her books have been finalists for the Washington State Book Award. Skillman currently teaches at Yellow Wood Academy on Mercer Island, Washington. For more visit www.judithskillman.com or see her blog on techno-bling: Abricabrac.com
Mike Sukach's fiction and poetry has appeared in Ontologica, theNewerYork, Cellpoems, The Blast Furnace, and The Citron Review. His poetry is also anthologized in Proud to Be: Writing by American Warriors, published by Southeast Missouri State University Press. Closer look: http://www.mksukach.com/.
Ed Tato shares a birthday with blues singer Joanna Carter and radio station KPMC in Bakersfield, but he can neither sing nor play a musical instrument. He goes to public readings regularly and revels in well-spoken spoken-word. Ed lives, for the moment, in Utica, New York, where the locals, for good reason, swear by Utica greens featuring Utica red pepper. Ed's two poetry collections are available online. Some of his poems can be found there as well, or in various print journals.
Robert J. Tillett teaches writing and literature in Rochester, NY. Tillett, who earned an MFA from the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, is a winner of a Breadloaf scholarship and his work has been nominated for multiple Pushcart Prizes. His poems have appeared in Poetry Northwest, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, Sugar House Review, The Worcester Review, The Southern Indiana Review, and Harpur Palate, among others.
Davide Trame is an Italian teacher of English writing poetry exclusively in his second language since 1993. His poems have appeared in more or less six hundred magazines. A collection of his poems “Re-emerging” was published in 2006 as a downloadable book on line by www.gattopublishing.com